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A mysterious mummy was discovered in a tomb in Peru with its hands covering its face.
A mummy was discovered in an underground tomb in Peru, fully bound in ropes and with its hands covering its face.
The mummy was discovered in good condition by archaeologists from the National University of San Marcos in Cajamarquilla, a significant site 15.5 miles inland from Lima, Peru’s coastal city and capital.
The mummy is thought to be 800 to 1200 years old. The site has some other monuments believed to be dated 2000 years back.

It is third in a row mysterious mummy found in recent times last one was found in august was holding a wooden cross in her hands.
Researchers believe the mummy’s striking pose – bound by ropes and in the foetal position – is a southern Peruvian funeral custom.
Ceramics, vegetable remains, and stone tools were also found in the tomb.
Unknown source: New York Post website